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Our community partner, Assistance League of Phoenix, reports many LWLC book donations have found appreciative recipients on several campuses of UMOM New Day Centers (where families break the cycle of homelessness.) Appropriate books have been given to preschoolers, teens, veterans’ families, and elderly widows. An especially heartwarming message was shared by UMOM’s chapel coordinator: “The religious books were well received. We placed them in our interfaith chapel for the residents to take as they please. The adults especially like the Bibles and daily devotionals. The most popular were the books for the children and teenagers. We can certainly use more of these types of books in the future. Thank you!” Keep up the good work, LWLC members and friends!
Questions? Contact Sue Brash, 480-816-9486, new email [email protected]. -
Clip Boxtops for Education – Help the Navajo Lutheran Mission School
This is a WONDERFUL ministry: it costs you NOTHING EXTRA and helps raise THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS for the Navajo Christian Preparatory Academy.
Here’s what you do:
• Shop as you normally do – you probably already use some of the qualifying products.
• Check all packaging for the Boxtops Logo.
• Clip out the logo and when you have a few, bring them to the kiosk in the Narthex.
• Pat yourself on the back for participating in a such a worthy cause! -
As members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), we believe that God is calling us into the world – together. And with generous, loving hands, we can make a difference.
ELCA Good Gifts go beyond your regular congregational offering to support the ministries of the ELCA that mean the most to you and your loved ones. Together, we can do more than we ever could alone, making a huge collective impact on the needs of our church and the world. -
Living Water Lutheran Church, as part of the Northeast Coalition of Lutheran Churches, helps build homes for those in need. Our most recent build was in April 2019.
If you have questions, call or email John Goesling, (480) 778-9176 or [email protected]. -
Our sister congregation, Grace Lutheran Church opens its doors for respite relief. Every 2 to 3 weeks throughout the year we deliver travel size personal care samples and clothing items.
LOTION CHALLENGE: This program is especially in need of personal size (1oz – 3 oz) bottles of lotion and lotion with sun block. Please bring the lotion and place it in the box in the narthex. Travel-size (or hotel freebies) of shampoo, soap, deodorant, etc. are also needed.
This ministry serves as one of our greatest cash donation vehicles to be used to donate to various organizations locally and internationally. It is amazing what a penny can buy, especially when there is a full jar of them! This year we saw another upward trend in our Hunger Jar offerings. The following organizations received the benefit of your generous donations throughout 2016: ELCA World Hunger Fund, Feed My Starving Children, Vista Del Camino Food Bank, ICM (Interfaith Cooperative Ministry), and Lunches 4 Learning. -
WHO IS ICM (INTERFAITH COOPERATIVE MINISTRY)? ICM,Food & Clothing Bank, was founded in 1983 by several congregations looking to meet basic needs of the Valley’s most needy. For more information contact Linda Coutts. List of some of the programs we support: Holiday Food Box (850 Turkey Boxes), 800 Children received Christmas Gifts, Grocery Supplement, Homeless Clients, Toiletries and Household Items, Diapers and Baby Formula, Case Management Clothing/Shoes, Children’s Corner, School Supplies and Uniforms, Monthly Medical Clinic, Summer Feeding Program, Love Corner
ANGEL TREE We are delighted to be working with ICM (Interfaith Cooperative Ministry) of Phoenix every year for our Angel Tree Ministry. -
Beginning with the first week in Lent, we’ll once again begin collecting items for LWR’s Personal Care Kits Lenten Project. Each week there will be a new item focus so watch the Connections for instructions. Bring your items to the collection box when you come to church on Sunday or to the Wednesday Lenten service. This is a wonderful intergenerational project to involve everyone from Living Water.
What’s in a Personal Care Kit?
• One (1) lightweight bath-size towel, no smaller than 20″x40″ and no larger than 27″x52″. Dark colors are preferred and the towels should be lightweight to allow the recipient to dry them quickly. (Hint: watch the January sales for these size towels and keep the luxurious large bath towels for your own use!) • Two (2) bath-sized bars of soap in original wrapping, 4-5 oz. each, OR three (3) bars of soap of 3 oz. size. Each kit needs to have 8-9 oz of bath soap. • One (1) adult size toothbrush in original packaging. Multi-packs of toothbrushes can be repackaged in a business size envelope and sealed. • One (1) sturdy wide-tooth comb. • One (1) metal nail clipper (attached file is optional).
The very simple gesture of giving a Personal Care Kit can give someone the encouragement to start anew, starting with a bath. You can share God’s grace and love by providing that simple comfort. Last year, through your amazing generosity, Living Water contributed items to make 80 Personal Care Kits. These kits were part of a total of 122,550 Personal Care Kits that LWR distributed across the globe to persons in need in 15 countries.
When LWR distributes Personal Care Kits, it’s often to people who have lost everything. In the wake of an earthquake, or having fled from violence as their homes were overtaken, often with nothing more than what’s on their back. When they clasp a towel from a faraway place, with a bar of soap, a toothbrush…and wash up, they know that they have not been forsaken by the world.
Want more information about LWR’s Quilt and Kit Ministry visit www.lwr.org or contact Myrna Ulland. -
We are excited to announce that Living Water Lutheran Church is sponsoring the Lunches for Learning Lunch Program in two schools in the Valley District, Honduras. Jose Santos Guardiola Elementary School in the community of Jicaro Centro. Fany Ventura Silva is the school principal. Dr. Ersy Mejia Elementary School in the community of Jicaro Abajo. Delma Garglina C. is the school principal.
In Honduras, many children are not able to attend school every day because they are very poor and spend their day out in the streets begging for money to buy food. Many families are unable to provide food for their children. Unlike the United States, the Honduran government provides no welfare for their people.Ron Hicks, President and Founder of Lunches for Learning started this program about seven years ago and has had great success in providing nutritious meals for 21 schools, which covers about 1,273 students. Regular school attendance went from 75% to 100% in each case. In Honduras, statistics show that a child has a better chance of getting a job and living above the poverty level if they get at least a sixth-grade education. Lunches for Learning can feed one student a nutritious meal for just $1.50 per day, $15.00 per month or $150.00 per year.
La Sagrada Familia(Holy Family) is a Lutheran Congregation in Phoenix. Largely a Latino congregation, this new congregation currently worships at Palomino Elementary School located on 29th Street, just south of Bell Road.Living Water is privileged to be a partner congregation, providing prayer, people, and financial support to this new mission congregation. If you are interested in helping with the La Sagrada Familia food or clothing pantry; with tax preparation assistance; or teaching English as a second language; or just want more information, please contact Denny Dumler. Having received assistance from other congregations when we were brand new, God has enabled us to assist La Sagrada Familia.
La Sagrada Familia EMERGENCY FOOD BANK: The need continues to be great for many families and Living Water is the only church currently donating to this emergency food source on an on-going basis. Clip and save this grocery list in your wallet. Each time you go grocery shopping, pick up 1 or 2 items for the grocery cart.
Especially needed items are: cooking oil, Maseco flour, canned tomatoes, tomato sauce, rice, dried beans, small pasta shells, chicken broth, Knorr powdered broth, canned corn, peanut butter, sugar/salt, cereal/oatmeal, canned fruit, instant coffee, powdered creamer, diapers, baby wipes, any non-perishable item you’d like to donate, NO SOUP, PLEASE! -
First and foremost, recipients use their LWR Quilts to shield against the cold and rain, and for warm bedding. But their versatility also makes quilts useful as simple tents, floor coverings, or a wrap to hold a baby on a mother’s back.
All interested women are welcome to join us. If you have never quilted before but think you can tie a simple tie using crochet thread and a needle, we need you!