Prayer Partners Program
Consider being a part of the Prayer Partner Program
What is a Prayer Partner Program?
The purpose of a Prayer Partner Program is to set in motion faith mentor relationships between adults and kids. By matching a child/youth with an adult in the congregation, we are providing the child with another adult in their life who knows their name, cares about them, offers security, assures them they are not alone facing day-to-day challenges; and makes them feel that they matter.
What does a Prayer Partner do?
• Fill out a “Discovering Your Interests” form and place in basket in Narthex. You can download and print the form here: Prayer Partners & Mentor Form
• Wait until Pastor Shari contacts you with the name of your Prayer Partner.
• Pray for your Prayer Partner.
• When you see your Prayer Partner at a church event, check in with them and see how they are doing, and ask how you can pray for them.
Can I be a Prayer Partner?
Yes, all kids and adults can be Prayer Partners. Please note, if you are an adult who has not received a background check yet this year at Living Water, Pastor Shari will be happy to give you the form to get that simple process started.
Please contact Pastor Shari: