
prayer11PRAYER REQUESTS may be made either by calling the office (480-473-8400), completing a prayer request form in the narthex, or emailing

Names are kept on the prayer list for one month and then retained only if you notify the office with an update. Please let us know if you or someone you know in the congregation will be hospitalized. Please call the church office 480-473-8400 with the correct information about the hospital, room number and health issues which may affect the course of pastoral care.

Notify the Living Water Prayer Chain so they can pray with you and for you. God hears and answers!

        • Joyce Bash—Health Concerns
        • Barbara Brooks—Health Concerns
        • Lizzy Caddow (Friend of Diane Salinas)—Cancer
        • Christi (Daughter of Charlie and Sue Boyd)—Health Concerns
        • Virginia Conrad—Health Concerns
        • Angelika Dumpf (Wife of Brett Stone)—Health Concerns
        • Sarah Faulk (Friend of Ron & Shirley Koch)—Health Concerns
        • Jenna Fjeld—Health Concerns
        • Stephanie Frost (Daughter-in-law of Bob Frost)—Health Concerns
        • Dave and Joy Gallimore—Health Concerns
        • Frank Gasparino—Health Concerns
        • John Goesling—Health Concerns
        • Vicki Grimsley (Mother of Mason Rossman)—Cancer
        • Doris Groh (Mother of Kris Crow)—Health Concerns
        • Donna Harder (Mother of Bonnie Roberts)—Health Concerns
        • Tyler Hornacek (Grandson of John and Sue Hornacek)—Life Concerns
        • Kristin Klarkowski—Health Concerns
        • Robert Klein (Friend of Darnell and Donna Pettengill)—Health Concerns
        • Tom Kelland—Health Concerns
        • Michael Koch (Grandson of Ron & Shirley Koch)—Health Concerns
        • Sandy Kohlway (Friend of Frances DeBruyn)—Battling Cancer
        • Nancy Malitz (Frances DeBruyn’s Nephew’s Mother-in-law)—Health Concerns
        • Merle (Karen Roessler’s Sister)—Health Concerns
        • Terri Powell (Friends of Bonnie and Tod Dawson)—Battling Cancer
        • Prentice Powers (Marty Lindert’s brother)—Health Concerns
        • Rebecca (Melissa Freesh’s sister)—Health Concerns
        • Bonnie Roberts—Life Concerns
        • Ruth Schlesinger—Health Concern
        • Bob Ulland—Health Concerns
        • Michael Umland (Son of Steve & Sue Umland)—Health Concerns
        • Peter Vasiliades (Nephew of Rick Sherrin)—Health Concerns